until you see childhood cancer treatment first hand you will never understand how brutal it actually is


The charity was set up by Kasper and his family after Kasper was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) just before his sixteenth birthday. 

Despite the kindest and best oncological teams, the journey is a traumatic one and the current standard of care treatment protocols necessarily cause devastating permanent damage. 

The goal of the Childhood Cancer Research Trust is to promote underlying health, support treatment protocols and undermine tumour activity for children with cancer.

Three-Pronged Strategy

What is needed for children like Kasper is:

PRO-UNDERLYING HEALTH action, first to enable children to complete their chemo cycles and ideally complete them without breaks and/or blood infusions and second, to mitigate the damaging short and long-term effects of treatment.

PRO-CHEMO action so that the cancer is vulnerable to the chemo and cannot utilise its chemo resistance or evasion capabilities.

ANTI-TUMOUR action so that the cancer itself is directly targeted, constantly under pressure, disabled, and as many as possible of the operating pathways it depends on blocked.

You can help us execute this strategy by donating to the Trust for its CCRT RSII Initiative.


Following his diagnosis in 2020, Kasper underwent 6 surgeries including two laparotomies and two tumour resections, spent 5 weeks in hospital for pre-chemo surgery, had 5 weeks of daily radiotherapy and 12 months of chemotherapy which involved hospitalisation every third week for the first 6 months. He lost over 10% of his body weight due to surgical complications and had a ruptured scar leaving an open wound 4 cm long, 2 cm across and 2 cm deep when he started chemo.

His chemotherapy drugs were approved 30-60 years ago.

Currently, the only drug options we have to offer our children still involve poisoning with substances deemed inhumane in warfare. As a result, even if they survive, children are often left with devastating, permanent damage from their treatments.

The Childhood Cancer Research Trust is funding the research which we believe will lead to the creation of protocols that simultaneously fortify underlying health, support chemotherapy and radiotherapy actions, and undermine cancer activity.

I wanted all the help I could get and I’d want that for every child with cancer.
Children need treatments that are both kinder AND more effective at tackling hard to treat childhood cancers.