Using all of science to address all of cancer

research remit


The Childhood Cancer Research Trust is committed to fund the development of a system with a pro-chemo, pro-underlying health and anti-tumour action. XLII®  Paraoncology® for the treatment of children with cancer is a strategy which can utilise existing knowledge to its full potential and improve the outlook for children with cancer right now.

“Should we garner more science when we already have so much more than we might ever hope to use, or use what we already have?

Should we focus on one strand, with the unrealistic notion that it will suddenly change the entire landscape in some miraculous discovery and in defiance of the nature of the devious, complex proliferating, spreading, evading, host-hijacking organism that is cancer?

Or should we match what science we have, and use as much as we need to for any given individual who needs to call on that knowledge right now?”

Dr Alex Concorde

CCRT RSII Initiative

The Childhood Cancer Research Trust’s principal focus is now on its RSII Initiative which seeks to examine the scope for health in the context of cancer.

The Initiative strives to support health and identify what could make for more normalcy in the context of cancer and although, the programme benefits are as yet unproven, the Childhood Cancer Research Trust believes that the generous funding of the Initiative and donated data will contribute immeasurably to new knowledge creation that we are endeavouring to assess, validate and disseminate to improve treatments for children with cancer.

Strategic Process

Kasper’s paper entitled ‘Will treatments for children with cancer advance more in the next 25 years than the last 25?’ provides an introduction to the benefits and limitations of old and emerging therapies and explains why he thinks XLII® Paraoncology® represents a tipping point in medical history.

Click on image to view pdf.

In addition, the Childhood Cancer Research Trust may fund other research projects in the areas of molecular science and childhood cancer.

100% of donations are distributed by the Childhood Cancer Research Trust to the advancement of health in children with cancer. For more information on how to support, CLICK HERE.

Should we garner more science when we already have so much more than we could hope to use?

XLII® medicine is a strategy which has the potential for extraordinary SCIENTIFIC leverage